Thursday, October 29, 2009

Anonymizer And Ubuntu

What remained of the Exhibition 2009 Call

We wanted to thank all the artists and the people who participated in the shows .. and those who have participated in the project, the media who spread the activity ... and all those who hiceron possible. It took much time and effort generating integrate II shows, but year after year we improve a little more .. but still need ...
feel worthwhile to produce, create and share artistic productions nuestas to know even more .. and to continue to enjoy things like that were experienced this weekend ....

realato I share this with you:

Despite the winds, storms and possible landslides Friday, October 23, 2009 inaugurated the photographic exhibition and Art II in Pergamino integrate in the EAG, in which more than 40 artists from the city and area.

between nerves and crossing their fingers that stop the stones from the clouds. The lights went up, each was designed and located for each project creatively, music and so generated acomapañaba perfect weather for the viewer to sit in the observation.

people were beginning to arrive, friends, relatives, former friends, people who learned, artists, curious, etc ...

no longer breathe more nervous, people circulated around the room, chatting, and looked round again ... we were in the same space and recognized us for our work.

the first wine was uncorked and became the toast ... Opening ... with these "mini.tortitas" gourmet giving an artistic touch to the event.

Does anyone have photos of the pancakes?

For there circulated a Mime viewers bothered generating smiles, uncertainty, inconvenience, breaking the established, changing positions.

those little people were also representing the urban tribes, with much spirit and courage filled the room a reflective air ... we all are wondering why disfrasado? until we saw the silhouettes on the walls and everything made sense ...

Yes. Those people who made us girls were questions of visual arts, who overalls never again brought back ... but with his artistic intervention generated a very intense atmosphere, which at times was unbelievable, it sounded like people talking about citizenship, and cross-examination if there is any difference between citizen and "be" citizen. My ears also came the question: What will you do with paper?.

Saturday at 17.30 all started another look, but with a more stable climate and a night promising, but not wine or artistic mini-cakes.

People came and went by, the public is continually renewed, we could not close the doors because people are still traveling, but finally at 23 pm the lights went out because other again on Sunday had to be on stage ...

arrived on Sunday, almost relaxed after much work, back to the show ... but this time between mates and invoices.
And people began to arrive, watching, watching, exchanging ... people who came from different places, we did not know ... but something was sharing ..

also approached Matthew, a 6 year old boy who was dying to expose the robot that had created letters and sharing space with artists and their mom ... that day up at 8 am to termianarlo ... and with great tenderness and joy did pass Mateo integrate objectives ....

Thus ends Sunday, energetic and with a big smile on his face.
The lights and a big applause from the people there ended with much excitement to the Second Exhibition IntegrARTe09.

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