Thursday, December 30, 2010

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         NEW YEAR 2010.
End the year 2010 for some may have been a good year, but for most has been a year with many difficulties both economic and occupational .
all wish that the New Year is much better than the last, so, I'll give aa few small ritual to start the year a little better.
Some traditional, like the gold ring inside the cup campaigns, put a ticket in each shoe, eating a handful d lentils, wearing underwear inside out, and rojo.Comerse yellow or twelve grapes is a sign of luck and prosperity and make a wish at the time of the stroke.
These are much older and quite effective say:
Wash hands with sugar and champagne:
At twelve
put their hands in a bowl with sugar and then washed with champagne, attracts luck and prosperity. Deal
ears of corn among those that tonight are with nosotros.Señal of abundance.
For the love incense sticks Put roses in the room to make love last.
To find love: At twelve honey in a bowl put a thousand flowers and your usual perfume, each time you go put a little on the neck and wrists.
To Work: Putting in a glass with water one tablespoon of sugar, then write on a blank paper your name and the job you want to get in the twelve enter it in and make the request to give more strength mentally.
Finally, writing in a parchment paper all the negative things that have happened during the year, and another what we want in the new year. At twelve o'clock in an earthenware bowl burn the first and the other will keep it until 31 December.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

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CAPRICORN: Caution when making important decisions, mind you all the details before you sign anything important. Prudence is your best weapon this week.

AQUARIUS: Week of firms, could be by a contract of employment, profitable partnership, marriage, a family heirloom, or a fluke.

PISCES: This week's little reform at home, joy and happiness in family, harmony in couples, possibility of a twin pregnancy, in short, a positive week for Pisces.

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(24 to 31 December)

ARIES Week a lot of workload, relájate.El positive note I will love you.

TAURUS: Meeting with people in the past, interviews, important meetings, great week for business contacts.

GEMINI: Week where you reflect on your career goals when you have it all clear! Jump in!.

CANCER: Think positive and begins to jump over obstacles, but do not know where to start, the order is not important, even if you're confused, you will see the light soon .

LEO: All the work you've done will pay off, because soon you will enjoy continuous reward, so if you do not get carried away the time and administrat.

VIRGO: You have overcome the difficulties and now you feel safe, the state uses to analyze your environment and make limpieza.No let anything make you doubt your worth.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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is a mass of positive energy that coincides with the winter solstice on December 21, that wonderful energy Cosmos comes to us and giving us a wonderful desire to want to change things, to embrace our loved ones, giving gifts and even think to change the world, that feeling is not explained is the Spirit ; of Christmas, a very favorable energy for unity and universal love.

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LIBRA: Positive changes, difficulties are overcome with the argo of the week, projects that strengthen marriage, short trips and advantageous.

SCORPIO: Ability to collect money that we were waiting for some time. Interesting meetings that can bring economic benefits in the future. Unexpected news of a pregnancy.

SAGITTARIUS: This week in which the mother, wife, woman will have a great influence on all matters in general. Good general health, and moments of great inner harmony.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Also called "divine flower" will help us achieve our goals, whether economic, sentimental, or any other tipo.Esta beautiful plant has the power to transform negative energy into positive, take away the evil eye destroys the bad vibes, and positive returns us absolute peace and tranquility.

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CERA CATS: Great protection against envy, the evil eye and magic work.

FROG GOOD LUCK: It is ideal for fans of gaming, and good luck fortune.

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ANGELS OF WAX: To turn on Christmas Eve and Christmas creates an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

CELTIC CHARMS: Charms protection for health, wealth, love and spiritual peace.

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OWL OF LUCK: The fortune we always on our side.

PYRAMID: The millennial power protects us from our enemies.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Ask strongly from the bottom of your heart and your wish will come true.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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LIBRA: Possible communication of something or someone you've been waiting tiempo.Semana stable but does not lower our guard.
lucky color: blue.

SCORPIO: If you have a legal dispute with issues of work, these will be favorables.Dinero that I came after great struggles.
Color of the Week: Yellow.

SAGITTARIUS Move around family issues, communications unexpected busy week. Beware of the nervous system.
luck Color: White.

CAPRICORN: What happiness, success, happiness or traces of one man may be changes and happiness importantes.Fortuna
lucky color: Yellow.

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AQUARIUS: This week in which you must take things patiently, there may be conflicts in the relationship of partner or partners. You have to keep quiet and let this period.
lucky color: Light Blue.

PISCES: Week break to our friends, the Pisces, work, love or anything you have in mind is better to let esperar.Hay week and the way things are, and better times. Yellow

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WEEK (10 to 17 December 2010)

ARIES: This week we will have positive news regarding romantic relationships also for singles, couples will be able to find, online, or by any means of communication.
lucky color: blue.



TAURUS: You might be new possibilities for business meetings and interviews, letters tell you that ye quiet luck accompany you.
The lucky color: Red.

GEMINI: Love will be the star this week, there will be reunions with love from the past and the triumph of love that both esperabais.Cuida love.
The lucky color: green.

CANCER: Week of signatures and contracts, where you have several offers and the privilege of escoger.Sigue the dictates of your heart.
lucky color: Yellow.

LEO: Forget the pain, for the love this week offset any adversidad.Si have no partner, watch out for new signs of destiny.
lucky color: blue.

VIRGO: There are projects that need to leave behind progress, and new charge more fuerza.Recuerda will reward your efforts, and that those of you working silently.
luck Color: Light Brown.