Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Covering Letter In Dentistry


(from 21 to 28 January 2011)
ARIES: News by telephone or letter concerning a legal issue that you were waiting, they may have to do with separation. A week when the signatures and documents are needed to advance.
The lucky number: 2

TAURUS: This week in which you have to make decisions about a family matter that not everyone will agree. Change of residence or travel by water.
The lucky number: 3

GEMINI: Release of bonds, ending a period of stagnation, new ideas and projects. Look to the future and get success.
The lucky number: 6

CANCER: busy Week, displacements,
travel, unexpected news but good for our friends the cancer, Seize the week.
Lucky Number: 7

LEO: This week's health must take care of yourselves, you can have inflammation in the throat or upper respiratory tract. The advice is to visit the doctor and bed rest. Take care.
The lucky number: 1

VIRGO: Week of signatures, concerning a contract of employment, or improving it. Positive agreements and quick fixes.
The number of luck. 8

LIBRA: Money Matters this week will have great relevance. If you request a money supply is to be no doubt that you will get it. Week of economic equilibrium.
Lucky Number: 7

SCORPIO: If you are going through a low period, both sentimental and economic change for you this week better.
You will support and new opportunities, the stars you have in your favor,
Number of luck, 9
SAGITTARIUS: Need changes your life, stop whining and get the batteries have enough strength and energy to prove your worth.
Lucky number: 8
CAPRICORN: If you are looking for work or you have news pertaining to it, go with caution, can not be as nice as you expect it. Read carefully before signing.
Lucky number: 4

AQUARIUS: If you had a family argument is not a good time even for solutions, you miss the week and get things back to river. Patience.
Lucky Number: 3

PISCES: This week in which you must control the money, unexpected expenses you may have some blocked, this week is knowing how to manage priority .
Number of luck. 5


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