Monday, August 7, 2006

K&n Universal Filter For Fiat Palio India


by Krishnamurti

Fragments of Fear On anthology, trans. HY.

"There is no new thought. If we admit, is old. From what we fear is the repetition of the past, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat has been projected onto the future. Therefore, the ideas are responsibility for the fear ... Now the question is: Is it possible for the mind full live wholly in the present? Only such a mind has no fear "

" Stay in the here and now ... Do not escape the past or the future, do not think in pictures, opinions of others, in accounting, your life is yours any more, what others have experienced is not yours, do not be appropriate. If you have no pain now, do not think the pain of the past or imagine the pain you have at another time, because then I call ... If at this moment really have pain, do not try to escape it, accept it as is, accept it and go over, pass "

" The word ... produces fear. Take as an example the word cancer. Hear the word and immediately the ideas and thoughts about cancer appear: pain, agony, suffering and the question "Do I have cancer?" The word is extremely important to us. The word, phrase, when organizing becomes an idea, based on a mere formality, and that binds us. But we must remember that the word is not the fact, the word "microphone" is not the microphone. But one word brings fear ... through the association and remembrance. We are enslaved to words ... We must free ourselves of the words. If now a word makes you suffer, let it go, your life will never be like any word, words are not similar to reality "

" Fear is when you get the feeling that you are being punished ... that what you get is a punishment ... But that idea is an illusion. You will not be punished by anyone, unless you have decided to punish yourself, instead of accepting all the love that is around you "

" What is causing the pain? Think of the pain of yesterday, think about the pain of another time, projects the fear of having pain again tomorrow ... If you stopped to think about the past, your pain will diminish "

" Fear is not separate from me, not out of me. Fear is something that I decide to do. In the same way I can stop thinking about him, gradually disappear "

On Fear, Krishnamurti (Harper, San Francisco, 1995)


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