Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Church Financial Records, How Long To Keep

(week from 14 to January 21, 2011)

ARIES: Do not send both to the people around you, and you'll have a better and greater reward for this effort that you ask the cards.
lucky color: Orange
TAURUS: This week will be positive where you take the time to reconsider and clarify your ideas, tomato time for you. Sharpen your patience.
Color of luck: Green

GEMINI: Watch your sentimental side, this week it is best to let it happen, emotional losses that you used to know you better, and more value all around you.
lucky color: Black

CANCER: excellent week to enjoy the social and emotional relationships, the world smiles at you and you'll able to seize the moment.
lucky color: Pink

LEO: Potential employment-related news will be good for you, you can also sign a contract favorable to you. Justice will be served for you.
luck Color: Purple

VIRGO: Possible start work, which at first is going to cost you, because you will have lots workload until you lame to work. Color of luck: Yellow
LIBRA: If you have had disagreements, breakups, both at work and in and sentimental, this week will come positive developments, the possibility of a new partner or a new job. Luck have it in your hand.
Color: Blue.

SCORPIO: Possible legal proceedings where does the family. Change residence, or reform at home. Whatever it is will be for the better.
Color: Yellow.

SAGITTARIUS: News or arrival of someone the past, there may be something more than friendship, do not miss the papers and think before taking action. You might regret in the long run.
Color: Black.

CAPRICORN: This week very good for financial matters, you get money from different sources. Gather and store.
Color: Yellow.

AQUARIUS: week of unexpected changes that you will assume a locked state and uncertainty. These are necessary to evolve in some aspects of your life.
Color: Blue.

PISCES: If you have spent a period of bonds due to the circumstances, you free this week and will continue. Success in everything we undertake.
Color: Red.


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