Saturday, January 29, 2011

Testicle Pain After Ejaculation


plants have been used since ancient times, even today we use to flavor our dishes, such as tea, etc ...
Today I will talk about that more use at home or rather in our dishes and esoteric or magical properties.

BASIL: One of the most commonly used herbs in the kitchen and more magical power. It acts on the emotional attachment, grief and feelings of guilt. If you want to leave behind all this yourself a cross on his chest with essence, or oil.

DILL: We used to sleep well at night as an infusion, is also used to flavor the fish. Is a powerful amulet to protect material possessions. If you have a bag of dill in the pantry You have enough food and if you got in your bag you do not need the money.

parsley: For excellence the most used in English cooking. Ideal for menstrual cramps, gout attacks, and fluid retention.
This plant is designed to combat the insults, misunderstandings, and jealousies. Put a few sprigs in place once these.

ROMERO: It is widely used for game stews, is a cleaning plant. You have to burn a few leaves in the home, business, in any room we notice that there are bad vibes.
Once done this is a feeling of comfort and tranquility.

LAUREL: It gives a special touch to our plates, in addition to aiding digestion, and has expectorant properties. The bay has always been a symbol of success and triumph. Laurel always carry your wallet so you do not miss the money, also 3 sheets in his pocket for job interviews. It is a great power plant protector and purifier.


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