Monday, March 14, 2011

Fissures At Corner Of Mouth

help Japan

is the time to help information has been released this day and Believe me things are extremely serious for the Nipponese, no water, electricity are supplied already by the lapse of time, the food also is starting to be a problem and still is the nuclear alarm, an erupting volcano and over 10, 000 missing and almost 3000 dead ...

For Mexico we have left and two teams of moles (rescuers) during the week and hopefully another team out more ... have reservations about a month ...

The Mexican Red Cross has already provided the Bancomer account number 0404040406, where they can make their contributions to the association Mexico Japanese also receive contributions in the account number Banamex clabe interbank 6344672 516 002180051663446729 suc
the telephones of the association where they can help 55931444, 56519382 and 56801159

Credits: Arashi Mexico


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