Friday, March 11, 2011

Replacement Mustaches For Chemo Patients

alert at nuclear

Eleven nuclear reactors have ceased its activity and Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, ordered the alert atom, although the government ensures that no radiation leaks have been detected in or near nuclear plants.
government spokesman Yukio Edan, Kan said the warning is to facilitate the eventual adoption of emergency measures. People living near the nuclear plant was ordered to take special measures.
Japan, located in the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, suffers frequent earthquakes, which rarely cause casualties due to the strict building regulations in force in the country.
After the earthquake two days ago, the Japan Meteorological Agency had warned that a week could lead to aftershocks, but had estimated an intensity of 4 on the Japanese scale

By Geek Lunatiq

Credits: All About the Best


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