Monday, March 21, 2011

Jack Up Wheels On A Go Kart

NXT Redemption (Coverage and Results March 15, 2011) - Second episode of Season Five

◦ Starts
show. ◦
WWE presentation. ◦
Presentation WWE NXT Redemption. ◦
William Regal and Todd Grisham welcomed us to the show. ◦
Presented to host the show, the beautiful Maryse and Matt Striker. ◦
Both hello and welcome to the show, then presented to the Rookies and Pros. ◦
appears JTG with his Rookie Jacob Novak. ◦
Chavo Guerrero and Darren Young. ◦
Vladimir Kovloz and Conor O'Brian. ◦
Yoshi Tatsu and Byron Saxton. ◦
Lucky Kidd and Cannon. ◦
Hornswoggle and Titus O'Neil. ◦
The Rookies are in the ring. ◦

Maryse says the winner will have the opportunity to choose their own WWE Pro 6. ◦
Matt Striker anuncia el primer desafío.
◦El desafío es un Talk Talk.
◦El primero es Jacob Novak y habla en forma de rap..
◦Luego es el turno de Darren Young.
◦El segundo es Darren Young, también agradece al Universo WWE.
◦Luego es el turno de Conor O’Brian.
◦Es el turno de Byron Saxton.
◦Ahora Lucky Cannon.
◦Por último Titus O’Neil.
◦El público escoge como ganador a Titus O’Neil.
◦Titus festeja y su Pro Hornswoggle celebra.
◦William Regal y Todd Grisham comentan sobre el desafío.
◦Se anuncia la primera lucha: Darren Young vs. Conor O’Brian a continuación. ◦
19 days for WWE WrestleMania XXVII!. ◦ Look at where they announced that John Cena has 5,000,000 fans on Facebook. ◦
videography It shows Titus O'Neil. ◦
1). Darren Young beat Conor O'Brian. ◦
bell rings. ◦ Making
referee. ◦
Conor and Darren exchanged kicks to the corner. ◦
Forearm Darren, now in the corner, Conor slaps him and throws him against the pole, the force that brings out the ring. ◦
Conor is lowered to keep punishing Young. ◦
What gets in the ring and double counting in two. ◦
Conor Loop.
◦ Darren is still dominated, electric chairs smashed, right-to O'Brian. ◦
Young dominated the fight. ◦
What up, but Conor pulls off, then with a rotating head dropping him into the mat picture to get the count of three. ◦
Chavo Guerrero, Darren Young celebrate. ◦
Pros make their notes on your return. ◦
Repeat end of the fight. ◦
is announced then the challenge of bringing a barrel commemorating the Saint Patrick's Day. ◦
Trailer The Chaperone with Triple H and Ariel Winter. ◦
presented by RAW Rebound: John Cena defeated Albert River after an intervention by DQ of Brodus Clay, after this with The Miz, who appeared dressed as The Rock, beat John Cena, The Miz to finally stamp it against the big WWE logo rotating. ◦
William Regal and Todd Grisham comments on the Raw Rebound. ◦
Backstage Tatsu Yoshi flirts with Maryse. ◦
Cannon was announced that Lucky and Tyson will fight with Yoshi Tatsu Kidd and Byron Saxton. ◦
Promo Enlistment Ceremony at the WWE Hall of Famer Class 2011. ◦ Videography
Jacob Novak. ◦

2). Lucky Kidd Cannon and Yoshi beat Tatsu and Byron Saxton. ◦
Pros begin the action, Tatsu knocks Kidd. ◦
Yoshi Tyson dominates. ◦
Cannon and he now enters Japan dominates. ◦
abdomen with a pair of scissors to Cannon tries to dominate, but Japan stands and both are punished with an X. ◦
Sign Saxton and punishes Byron Kidd, DDT, covers, pear the count reaches two. ◦
Kidd hits the head of Saxton, Cannon robs over and punished with a takedown to Saxton for victory. ◦
Repeat end of the fight. ◦
Kidd berates Lucky Cannon. ◦
then was announced that the invasion be summarized Snooki to RAW. ◦
DVD Promo: WWE: The True Story of WrestleMania. ◦
It shows the struggle in which Vickie Guerrero with the help of Lay-Cool got a job at RAW, after this confirmation of the fight in WWE WrestleMania XXVII between Trish Stratus and John Morrison vs Snooki. Lay-Cool and Dolph Ziggler. ◦
WWE Promo Magazine.
◦ The final challenge of the night: Bring the barrel to commemorate the Saint Patrick's Day. ◦
are reminded that the WWE shows are available on, and ◦
Maryse and Matt Striker are beginning to test.
◦ The first to do so is Jacob Novak, who achieved a time of 09.09. ◦
Conor O'Brian makes a time of 04.09 and became the new leader in part. ◦
Lucky Cannon does the test.
◦ tries to flirt with Maryse, the limit is passed and the beautiful Maryse slaps him. ◦
O'Neil Titus The winner is whoever gets the best time with a 08.0. ◦
Titus celebrated. ◦
End of show. ◦
Thanks for the company.


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