Monday, March 21, 2011

Mini Skirt Under Water

(Coverage and Results March 15, 2011) - Alberto del Río vs Christian in a Steel Cage Match WWE


◦ Dark Match: Percy Watson defeated Drew McIntyre. ◦
McIntyre tries to apply the "Future Shock DDT but is surprised by Percy to roll up. ◦

Show Starts. ◦
WWE Video input. ◦
Video WWE SmackDown input. ◦
later was announced that we will have a fight for the WWE Tag Team Championships between Slater and Justin Heath Gabriel vs Big Show and Kane. Ladies and gentlemen ◦
the voice of WWE Michael Cole. ◦
Michael Cole appears on Friday Night SmackDown to much booing and enters the cabin of transition. ◦

1). World Heavyweight Champion Edge defeated Clay Brodus. ◦
World Champion Edge is the first to get into the ring with a great reception. ◦
Brodus Clay Ring reaches accompanied by Alberto del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez. ◦
Del Rio confronts Edge but then leaves the ring and the battle begins. ◦
Edge dominates the mastodon with blows. ◦
easily Brodus suplex and gets away with illegally punishes Edge neck with the second string. ◦
Brodus shoulder punishes Category R Superstar until it gets out with blows to the face. ◦
Clay tries ironed but Edge uses his agility and goes after Edge hit this giant with cornerback for the second string. ◦
Edge climbs the top rope and manages to apply Brodus iron, look for the count but is taken from the ring by the strength of clay. ◦
Brodus hip coup attempts but fails and edge Edge applied DDT. ◦
is prepared to connect Edge with the spear but Ricardo Rodriguez distracted the referee while he pulls River leg. ◦
Brodus Edge attacks. ◦
appears to attack Christian Del Rio. ◦
Edge Spear connects to Brodus and takes the victory. ◦
After the fight Del Rio attacked Edge, but Christian goes up and goes to blows with Del Rio. ◦
Del Rio Christian and end up fighting on the announce table
◦ SmackDown GM Teddy Long comes in and announces that tonight Alberto del Rio will face Christian hand in hand to ensure that no intervention will be a Steel Cage Match . ◦

2). WWE United States Champion Sheamus ends a WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston.
◦El Flamante campeón de los Estados Unidos aparece en SmackDown representado a RAW.
◦Kofi Kingston entra al cuadrilátero saludando al público para dar inicio al combate.
◦Sheamus castiga el brazo de Kofi.
◦Kofi intenta recuperar el control del combate atacando con sus movidas aéreas a Sheamus pero no consigue dominar por mucho tiempo.
◦Sheamus continúa castigando el brazo de Kofi y aprovecha el impulso de la cuerda para propinarle un codazo.
◦Kofi se safa de Sheamus utilizando la bota y las cuerdas.
◦Kingston busca altura y aplica plancha pero es invertida por Sheamus.
◦Kofi se recupera and applies sweeper, try your stop but The King Sheamus gets out of way. ◦
Sheamus connects Kingston with his neck was broken and tries to count three but Sheamus placed his hand on the rope. ◦
Action continues but now outside the ring, Kofi tries to climb the metal ladder but is kicked by Sheamus. ◦
Kofi Sheamus and up into the ring. ◦
Sheamus defeated Kingston with his Brogue Kick. ◦

Video of what happened last week between Kane, "The Run" and The Big Show. ◦
In Kane and Big Show Backstage angry they threaten and try to apply the Chokeslam each other, but none manage to execute the move. ◦
3). "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vence a Trent Barreta .
◦En el ring se encuentranTrent Barreta.
◦Rhodes entra al ring con ropa elegante, su mascara protectora, una toalla y un nuevo tema de entrada.
◦Rhodes domina totalmente a Trent.
◦Rhodes vence a Trent via Pinfall despues del Cross Rhodes.

◦Video de la lesión de Christian en el pasado septiembre a manos del Alberto del Río.
◦Promo de Undertaker vs Triple H
◦Video de Shawn Michaels hablando de Undertaker vs Triple H
4). Divas Match Layla vence a Kelly Kelly.
◦Aparece Laycool y Michelle Mccool ocupa la mesa de comentaristas.
◦Entra al cuadrilátero la hermosa Kelly Kelly.
◦Kelly Kelly castiga ilegalmente a Layla en las cuerdas, después camina sobre ella.
◦Kelly continúa dominando ahora con destroza caras, pero no consigue el conteo de tres.
◦Kelly intenta atacar a Layla en el esquinero pero es recibida con patada.
◦Michelle Mccool le grita a Kelly Kelly que se encontraba en el esquinero, cosa que aprovecha Layla para hacer a su oponente perder el equilibrio y caer abruptamente sobre la lona.
◦Layla cubre a Kelly y logra el conteo de tres.

5). WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Big Show y Kane vencen a Heath Slater y Justin Gabriel vía DQ.
◦Aparecen primero los campeones seguidos por los retadores.
◦Gabriel y Kane inicial en encuentro con Kane dominando a Gabriel .
◦Gabriel consigue el relevo pero Kane recibe a Slater con golpe de antebrazo para luego llevarlo al esquinero y aplicarle contralona.
◦Kane intenta atacar a Slater en el esquinero de nuevo pero éste lo esquiva.
◦Relevo para Gabriel, quien patea a Kane varias veces y regresa el relevo.
◦Slater golpea a Kane quien intenta escapar-
◦Relevo para Show.
◦Show logra dominar a Slater aplastandolo contra el esquinero.
◦Show aplica Chokeslam pero Gabriel jala al árbitro para causar la descalificación.
◦Después del encuentro The Corre pelea y logra dominar a Big Show y Kane.
◦Barret logra cargar a Show y aplicarle su contralona tipo bombero.
◦Fuera del ring “The Corre” ataca a Kane con las escaleras metálicas.
◦Jackson y Barret cargan a Big Show y lo estrellan contra la mesa de comentaristas.
◦Los enormes Kane y Big Show quedan inconscientes mientras “The Corre” celebra.

◦En entrevista Alberto del Río nos dice que Teddy long y Christian quieren interferir con su destino encerrándolo en una jaula de acero. Alberto recalca que no es un maldito animal.
6).Jack Swagger venció a Chris Masters .
◦Masters se encuentra en el ring.
◦Swagger hace entry while displaying a video about what happened on RAW. ◦
Starts the meeting and Chris Masters Swagger dominates. ◦
Masters tries to enclose it in the master key. ◦
Swagger manages to escape and was punished Masters leg against the post. ◦
Jack Swagger manages to defeat the Masters via surrender with the Ankle Lock. ◦
After the meeting Michael Cole appears to apply also to Masters Ankle Lock. ◦
Cole Swagger and embrace and celebrate in the ring. ◦

Rey Mysterio appears walking. ◦
Promo of what happened between him and Coddy Rhodes. ◦
7). Rey Mysterio defeated Ted Dibiase . Rey Mysterio Appears
◦ hello to all friends. ◦
Ted Dibiase listed as a member of SmackDown accompanied by Maryse. ◦
Dibiase Mysterio tries to attack but it slipping between the legs. ◦
Mysterio tries his senton but is greeted with kicks. ◦
Dibiase tries to count that came close but did not get to three seconds. ◦
Dibiase continues to dominate with clothesline and crusher. ◦
Mysterio manages to implement a tornado DDT and Huracarrana. ◦
Mysterio attempts a second but is punished Huracarrana face to the canvas. ◦
Ted tries to attack Mysterio again but is sent to the second rope and hit with the 619 Rey Mysterio ◦
be achieved la victoria sobre Ted Dibiase luego de un frog splash.
◦Maryse se va dejando atrás a Dibiase.
◦Recapitulación de RAW.
◦Se muestra el Cartel de Wrestlemania hasta el momento.
◦La Jaula de Acero comienza a descender.

8). Christian derrota a Alberto del Río en un Steel Cage Match .
◦En el ring Ricardo Rodriguez.
◦Alberto del Río entra en un hermoso vehículo con su famosa presentación.
◦Christian entra también a la Jaula de acero para iniciar el combate.
◦Alberto del Río inicia inmediatamente atacando, intenta estrellar de cara contra el acero a Christian pero éste bloquea y aplica catapult. ◦
Christian attempts to short circuit but River escapes and tries to climb quickly. ◦
Christian stops him and they fight on the third string until Del Rio takes Christian to the mat with a suplex. ◦
Del Rio dominates star Christian and face against the steel to continue the punishment with the boots. ◦
padlock at the head of Christian ending the canvas face-first into the river while trying to escape. ◦ Christian
recovers to stop the river, apply breaks necks but comes only counting two seconds. ◦
Del Rio is punished with right and sent face-first into the steel, but Christian tries count reaches two seconds only, then try to escape but is stopped by the river with its spectacular kick in the head. ◦
Del Rio is about to escape through the door but is stopped porChristian. ◦
Del Rio tries his armbar but killswitch changed. ◦
count reaches two seconds only, Christian wants to escape the cage but is left battered by the river in the second string. ◦
Alberto del Rio is on top of the cage and Christian goes up. ◦
River Christian and fought on the top of the cage but it is Christian who manages to lose the first for the win. ◦
Del Rio Christian brutally attacks and throws it where the Bell says he will destroy it, take a seat but is interrupted by the sound of your car. ◦
Edge appears on the order of Albert River and threatens to destroy it. ◦
Brodus Clay comes to attack Edge. ◦
Del Rio Clay joins to punish the world champion. ◦
Brodus Alberto Clay River and Edge attack with the "con-chair-to" in the arm. ◦
The arbitrators fail to address the Edge. End of Show

◦ ◦ Thanks for the company.


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