Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Is The Salary For A Sports Anchor

Ritual is a kind of ceremony that does some default, as the issue that concerned. All the rituals must be done under a set of rules:
1 - Be very clear what will be done and for what purpose.
2 - To purify the place with some incense.
3 - Wear comfortable clothes.
4 - Always use wooden matches.
5-Put a tablecloth a white moon-shaped figure.
6 - Be relaxed and calm.

with the New Moon Ritual:

When the moon is at this stage is to avoid any ritual, can only be started at the time that the moon can be observed if only very finely.

Some of them are:

1 - To relax, meditate, and boost self-esteem:
Prepare a bath marjoram leaves, chamomile, lime and thyme, immersed for 15 minutes. After comfortable clothes and put out on the balcony or terrace of our house and he said the following sentence: My soul is my guide, I leave aside my fears, I realize my dreams, and open my heart to universal love. ! So be it!
2 - Improving our economy:
need: coins course yellow candle, matches, seed or plant root of money, new pots and compost.
We will make a circle on the floor on the balcony, countryside within will post what I said earlier, we will light the candle we will take the coins and ask that our economy grow and grow money plant, then introduce the coins, fertilizer, seeds, and we will water.
We must care for and spoil if you really want that money grow.

with crescent moon:

Union partners:

A sail with figure man and woman honey and cinnamon, wooden matches and a piece of red satin ribbon. We write her name on the back of him and vice versa. Then he writes in red tape what we want from that person, the tape refers to the two figures, and lit the candle, you have to let it consume until the end.

Full Moon Ritual:

To enhance our beauty
Three red candles if we want our beauty in the form of sexual attraction, oranges if is for the general attractiveness, blue for balance and keep our beauty for longer.
A mirror if it can be oval and yes again.
rose oil. Pachuly incense.

This ritual we will be able to be in the countryside, villa, etc. outdoors. We will remove the clothes, blink candles and incense, and we apply the essence of roses in the place of the body that we want to improve. Then cojemos the mirror in such a way that reflects a part of the moon and the part of our body that we want to beautify and say:
Selene you who you reflect in the mirror, fairest of the fair,
your beam of light, clear my beauty and for a long time does not fade. Then put the mirror, covered with a dark cloth. If the mirror breaks the ritual will not be effective.

Waning Moon Ritual:
Remove bad energy, take a black candle, writing on a parchment paper we wish it away, start with matches this candle and visualize that our objective has been achieved. This must be done in light of the moon.

Free definitely someone to break a relationship that hurts us emotionally ..

heart shaped candle, preferably black, but red.
rosemary incense or myrrh.
Write to the heart that we eliminate from our lives (name of person).
Start the incense and the candle with matches.
And most important to visualize a new stage of your life where there is happiness and love.
Once completed, collect and bury it all away from home.
And thank Mother Moon.

I hope these small rituals help you to be a little happier and balance your life.


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